Jr. High

Grace Student Ministry (Jr. High)

Grace Student Ministry [GSM] is designed to Encounter the Lord and Enjoy Him together!

Our purpose:
To FOLLOW Jesus and...
CONNECT to His people (Rom 12:5)
GROW in His Love (John 15:9) and 
SERVE Him by serving others! (Luke 10:45, Matt 10:40)

The RESULT is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

Our Services:
Jr. High Students (6th-8th GRADE)

Sunday: Worship & Small Groups 10am-11:am in the CAVE

Wednesday: Youth Group 6:30pm-8:00 pm in the CAVE.

Special Events: ALL YEAR Long
From summer camps, to short term mission trips to the progressive dinners and everything in between. There are so many opportunities for High School students to stay connected!
